Object Pooling

Object pooling is an optimization pattern. It's used to improve performance, in certain cases, by re-using objects instead of allocating memory for them on demand. In C/C++, one the things object pooling has to offer is a solution to avoid memory fragmentation. In C#, we don't have to worry about memory fragmentation thanks to garbage collection. However, garbage collection can be still be too expensive for certain parts of real-time applications, especially on mobile devices with slower CPUs and simpler garbage collectors. More details on object pooling here.


ObjectPool is available in the default MonoGame.Extended library. MonoGame.Extended is distributed via a NuGet package. You can add the NuGet package to your C# project through your IDE of choice (Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, Rider, etc) or through the Command Line Interface (CLI) using the dotnet command.

dotnet add package MonoGame.Extended



Always profile the game for performance problems! Using a Pool<T> without first profiling for the need of one may result in a decrease in performance in certain cases. If you are unsure, don't use the object pooling pattern.

Creating a Pool-able Object

All objects which can be pooled need to implement the IPoolable interface. The following is a code snippet with comments demonstrating how to implement the interface.

class MyPoolable : IPoolable
private ReturnToPoolDelegate _returnAction;
void IPoolable.Initialize(ReturnToPoolDelegate returnAction)
// copy the instance reference of the return function so we can call it later
_returnAction = returnAction;
public void Return()
// check if this instance has already been returned
if (_returnAction != null)
// not yet returned, return it now
// set the delegate instance reference to null, so we don't accidentally return it again
_returnAction = null;
public IPoolable NextNode { get; set; }
public IPoolable PreviousNode { get; set; }

Creating a Pool

Instantiating a Pool<T> is similar to any generic collection, i.e List<T>, but T has to implement IPoolable.

var pool = new Pool<MyPoolable>(() => new MyPoolable());

The parameter parameter is the delegate responsible for creating each object instance.


Having too large of a capacity will waste memory, but having too small of a capacity will limit the number of object instances that can be pooled.

Getting a Pooled Object

A free pooled object instance can be requested from the pool instance.

var myPoolable = pool.Request();

If the pool is empty, the result will be null.

Returning a Object to the Pool

When the object instance is no longer needed it should be returned to the pool so it can be re-used.
