
Supported Platforms & 3D APIs

Extended supports any platform MonoGame supports. The following is a table of platforms that are known to work and their supported graphics API backends with MonoGame.


If you are writing your first game with MonoGame, it's highly recommended to only focus on desktop or mobile platforms. Almost all other platforms have NDAs which make the MonoGame code private to which a license is required.

Platform vs 3D APIOpenGLDirectXMetalVulkanWebGPU
Desktop Windowsโœ…โœ…โŒ๐ŸšงโŒ
Desktop macOSโœ…โŒ๐ŸšงโŒโŒ
Desktop Linuxโœ…โŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒ
Mobile iOSโœ…โŒ๐ŸšงโŒโŒ
Mobile Androidโœ…โŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒ
Browser WebAssemblyโŒโŒโŒโŒ๐Ÿšง
Micro-console tvOSโŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒโŒ
Handheld-console PlayStation Vitaโœ…โŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒ
Handheld-console Nintendo Switchโœ…โŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒ
Console Xbox OneโŒโœ…โŒโŒโŒ
Console PlayStation 4โœ…โŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒ
Cloud Google StadiaโŒโŒโŒ๐ŸšงโŒ

For more information see the MonoGame documentation on target platforms.